1. Dig Deep Give Well (501c3 non profit) always accepts donations. Donations may be made at any Pen Air Federal Credit Union or mailed to Dig Deep Give Well, 28100 Hwy 181, Daphne, AL, 36526. Checks should be made out to: “Dig Deep Give Well.” Or, you can simply donate online.2. Schedule someone to speak at your event so that we can spread the word about the water crisis. Encourage your SCHOOL, CHURCH, or GROUP to become involved. They might raise enough to sponsor a complete well. Call Lisa at 251-490-0331.
3. Volunteer at one of our events and bring your friends. The best way to spread the word is friend to friend!
4. Start your own campaign. It’s easy! Last fall, a high school student raised $3700 by having his family business, “a petting zoo,” host a Sunday afternoon Family Day! Are you a runner or biker? Use local races to raise funds by challenging friends to sponsor you in the race. Aim for a faster time for more funds!!! What about giving up your birthday presents? We all know we have way more than we need. Why not celebrate your birthday with a gift that can change the lives of thousands? Have your friends give a donation to Dig Deep Give Well in honor of your birthday!